martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

The Simpsons Uncensored Family Album webquest

Answer these questions about the Simpson family:

1. When was Homer Simpson born?

2. When did Marge meet Homer?

3. Why did Bart learn portions of the Talmud (the basic book of Judaism)?

4. Why did Lisa turn vegetarian?

5. When did Maggie say her first word, and what was it?

You can use these websites to help you search for information:

Work hard!

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

The Simpsons on the net webquest

You have to find five different websites devoted to The Simpsons. Remember they must be in English.

Work hard!

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

The Simpsons’ favourite food webquest

What is the Simpsons' favourite food?

Homer Simpson

Marge Simpson

Bart Simpson

Lisa Simpson

Maggie Simpson

Do you think their eating habits are healthy or unhealthy?

You can use these websites to help you search for information:
Work hard!

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

Springfield City Zoo-Zoo de Barcelona webquest

Write the following:

1. The names of three animal species at Springfield City Zoo and not at Zoo de Barcelona:

2. The names of three animal species at Zoo de Barcelona and not at Springfield Zoo:

3. The name of three animal species at both Springfield City Zoo and Zoo de Barcelona:

You can use these websites to help you search for information:

Work hard!