domingo, 15 de abril de 2012


Answer these questions about life in the Middle Ages.

Section one: medieval society

1) What were the three major groups of people in medieval times?

2) Draw a pyramid of the feudal system.

3) What was the difference between a peasant and a serf?

Section two: medieval houses, castles and villages

4) Medieval houses in southern Europe were built out of … and …

5) Medieval houses in northern Europe were mainly built in …

6) Where did people usually build castles? Why?

7) Why did more people in the Middle Ages start living in small villages instead of in farmhouses?

Section three: medieval food

8) What did poor people eat in the Middle Ages in Europe?

9) What kinds of meat did rich people eat?

Section four: medieval clothing

10) What did most people wear in medieval Europe?

11) What did men wear on their feet, if they could afford them?

Section five: the Black Death

12) What was the bubonic plague?

13) Why did people call it the Black Death?

14) How many people did the bubonic plague kill in Europe?

You can use these websites to help you search for information:

Work hard!

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